AAB Conference: Pollinators in Agriculture
01.04.2014 - 3.4.2014 

Place: Courtyard by Marriott, Brussels

The Association of Applied Biologists (AAB) in conjunction with the BES Agricultural Ecology Group is organising a 3-day conference "Pollinators in Agriculture", which will take place on 1-3 April 2014 in the Courtyard by Marriott hotel in Brussels.

Interactions between pollinators and agriculture have generated considerable recent research interest, stimulated by increasing recognition of the importance of insect pollination in maintaining yields of some crops, coupled with evidence that many species of pollinating insects have declined substantially. In particular, the impact of agronomic practice on pollinator success and, specifically, the impact of pesticide use on honey bees and other bees, has become a subject of public and political interest. The 2013 EU decision to suspend the use of a number of neonicotinoid insecticides has boosted research on pollinator exposure to insecticides and the potential for sublethal effects. Furthermore, whilst the importance of pollinators in agriculture is well documented, considerable gaps still exist in our understanding of pollinator ecology, pathology and population dynamics. This conference aims to bring together experts from a number of fields to explore and debate the latest research.

Among the invited speakers are Dr Christian Maus (Bayer CropScience), Dr Tjeerd Blacquière (University of Wageningen), Dr Robert Luttik, Dr Simon Potts (University of Reading), and Dr Robert Paxton (University of Halle-Wittenberg).

The organisers are now announcing the first call for papers. More information on the conference can be found at http://www.aab.org.uk/contentok.php?id=166&basket=wwsshowconfdets

The Association of Applied Biologists is an international professional society for all those working, studying or interested in applied biology. The Association was founded in 1904 and is a registered charity (No. 275655). AAB mission is:

"To promote the study and advancement of all branches of Biology and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing), to foster the practice, growth and development of applied biology, with a focus on the application of biological sciences in the production of food, materials and energy, and for the maintenance and improvement of earth's environment".

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